What Are The Functions Of R Programming?

What Are The Functions Of R Programming?

R Programming Online Course

What Are The Functions Of R Programming?

 Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman developed R, a free software and computer language.  R includes a large collection of statistical and graphical methods. It comprises, among other things, statistical inference, time series, linear regression, and machine learning techniques. Most R libraries are written in R. However, C, C++, and Fortran codes are favoured for complex computational tasks. In this blog, we have discussed the functions of R Programming to learn more about R programming, join R Programming Training In Chennai at FITA Academy.

R is an interpreted programming language developed at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. The R Development Core Team is currently developing R. It is also a software environment that examines graphical displays, reporting, and data modelling. The lexical scoping semantics are paired with the S programming language implemented in R.

A function is a collection of statements that work together to complete a certain goal. R includes many built-in functions, and users can write their own.

Because a function in R is an object, the R interpreter can transfer control to the function and parameters that may be required for the function to perform the actions.

In turn, the function completes its duty and returns control to the interpreter and any results that may be stored in other objects.


The term function is used to build an R function. The basic syntax for defining an R function is as follows:

function_name <- function(arg_1, arg_2, …)


function body


The various components of a function are as follows:

1)Function name-This is the function’s official name. It is saved as an object with this name in the R environment.

2)Arguments– An argument serves as a placeholder. When you call a function, you pass an argument with a value. Arguments are optional; a function may have no arguments. Arguments can also have default values.

3)Function body– The function body comprises statements describing what the function does.

4)Return value– The return result of a function is the last expression evaluated in the function body.

R includes several built-in functions that can be invoked straight in the programme without previously creating them. User-defined functions allow us to build and use our own functions. Thus to know more about the built-in function, use the R Programming Online Course.